Microsoft developed C#, a new programming language based on the C and C++ languages. Microsoft describes C# in this way: ”C# is a simple, modern, object–oriented, and typesafe programming language derived from C and C++. C# (pronounced c sharp) is firmly planted in the C and C++ family tree of languages and will immediately be familiar to C and C++ programmers. C# aims to combine the high productivity of visual basic and raw power of C++.”

Anders Hejlsberg, the principal architect of C#, is known for his work with Borland on Turbo Pascal and Delphi (based on object–oriented Pascal). After leaving Borland, Hejlsberg worked at Microsoft on Visual J++.

Some aspects of C# will be familiar to those, who have programmed in C, C++, or Java. C# incorporates the Smalltalk concept, which means everything is an object. In other words, all types in C# are objects. C# properties are similar to Visual Basic language properties. The Rapid Application Development (RAD) goal in C# is assisted by C#’s use of concepts and keyword, such as class, structure, statement, operator, and enumeration. The language also utilizes the concepts contained in the Component Object Model (COM) architecture.

Unlike Visual Basic or Delphi, Events is a type in C# and can belong to an object. Members of a class object can have variables, methods, properties, attributes, and events. Attributes are another nice feature of C# language.

C#, as mentioned earlier, is one of the languages you can use to create applications that will run in the .NET CLR. It is an evolution of the C and C++ languages and has been created by Microsoft specifically to work with the .NET platform.

Developing applications using C# is simpler than using C++, because the language syntax is simpler. C# is a powerful language, and there is little you might want to do in C++ that you can ’ t do in C#.

C# code is slightly more verbose than C++. This is a consequence of C# being a type – safe language (unlike C++). In layperson ’ s terms, this means that once some data has been assigned to a type, it cannot subsequently transform itself into another unrelated type.
C# is just one of the languages available for .NET development, but it is certainly the best. It has the advantage of being the only language designed from the ground up for the .NET Framework and may be the principal language used in versions of .NET that are ported to other operating systems.